What is the conscience convoy?
Made up of hundreds of women from all walks of life, including NGO representatives, academics, lawyers, journalists, civil servants, doctors, artists, sportswomen, politicians, housewives, and artisans, we launched an initiative in solidarity with unlawfully imprisoned and persecuted women in Syria, to shed a light to their plight and moreover to call for their immediate release from official and nonofficial regime prisons. In order to raise worldwide awareness for gender-based violence and to save Syrian women from the cycle of torture and rape, a network of influential women from various countries came together and started a civil initiative in the form of an international convoy named the ‘Convoy of Conscience’ with the motto ‘Save Women, Save Humanity’. This call has reached women all around the world. In 2018 a convoy composed of 10.000 women from more than 50 countries in hundreds of vehicles, followed a route across Turkey to the Turkish- Syrian border city in order to launch a global appeal on the International Women’s Day. Guided by their conscience, thousands of women appealed to the world on the Women’s Day to stand with the Syrian women who are being held unlawfully in Syrian prisons while being subjected to all forms of violence, torture
Principles and Approach
We all know that the history of civilization is full of bloody battles. When we look at each century in the last 7000 years of the world history, only 13 years of them have witnessed peace. We have failed to prevent wars, and unfortunately we always managed to either die or to kill the masses! We know that people around the world have suffered a lot, and they continue to do so. The two World Wars are the wars that will always be remembered with great sadness and held up as examples. Both wars have taken so many lives all over the world. But we need more than to just remember it, we need to realize of just how each of the taken live was just as precious as our very own, and each of those people’s dreams were as colorful and rich as our dreams. Their loved ones were as dear to them as much as our beloved ones are to us.